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Great Alne Primary School


We warmly welcome volunteers who are able to assist with supporting children or supporting in the wider responsibilities in the school... maybe gardening or lending a hand with practical tasks.

If you wish to volunteer to work with children, or whilst children are on the premises, we require a full DBS (Disclosure and Barring Service) application process to be completed. We will meet the cost of this, but it will need a little time and some patience. 

Please take a look at the steps below if you would like to volunteer at Great Alne Primary.


Working with children requires you to work to the following policies. Please familiarise yourself with the content of each before moving onto Step 2. (Expected time: 4 hours)

Step 2:

Complete a Volunteer Application Form (Expected time: 30 minutes)

Step 3:

Use this link to apply for a DBS check:

Please click on the button to 'Start a new application'

Please enter: organisation reference: GREATALNEPRIMARYSCHOOL and organisation code: Warwick01  Enter your details and submit. (Expected time: 15 minutes)

On completion of Step 3, please confirm to and we will organise the final step - providing proof of identity and meeting the headteacher - at a convenient time. (Expected time for Steps 3 and 4 could be anything from 48 hours to 4 weeks depending on individual circumstances)

Once again, we recognise the laborious process involved here and we are grateful to all volunteers for their understanding.